The Ignition Switch
This Magical Life of mine didn’t happen by accident
The truth is it is full of intentional living
It is full of deciding what I want
It is full of not listening to what the outside world tells me I should want
Handing over my desires to The Divine
Stepping forward in that direction
Often times I can’t see the next step
or the next step
or the next step
I step forward because I trust
I trust because I have stepped forward
I step forward and see evidence over and over Evidence that I am divinely guided
Evidence that I am held in my unknown
Evidence that I only need to sense the direction of what I am wanting and my Inner Being takes it from there
All I need to do is listen to the inspiration
All I need to do is communicate my experience
This communication isn’t between me and the outside world
This communication is between me and me
This communication is between The Divine and me
The Divine is not outside of me
The Divine is within me
So if you have been watching and wondering
Wondering how navigating my life experience looks so easy and magical
Know that it is more about Intentional Picking
Intentional Picking of what I am curious about
Intentional Picking of what feels fun
Intentional Picking of life experience I am desiring to gain
This over that
This over that
This over that
And somehow it always leads to more
More magic
More beauty
More of life working out
More wealth of everything I am wanting
More Emotional Wealth
More Physical Wealth
More Mental Wealth
More Spiritual Wealth
More is easy when you live this way
The world will try and tell you that it’s not
I am here to tell you to stop listening to the world
I am here to tell you to start listening inside
That’s the formula to a Magical Life
I have the Ignition Switch that is going to kickstart your momentum toward all of the more and all of the wealth.
This is a group program that is different than others. It’s different because it considers everything you as an individual are wanting, but in a group format. A group format so you can take advantage of the cocreation benefits that individuals coming together create.
My question for you is…
Are you ready to step forward?
We are beginning Tuesday Jan 16th 12:00 pm and will continue to meet for three months weekly.
A $1997 investment for the formula I use to live A Magical Life that is specifically tailored to the individuals who will come together in this group.